Colonies day 1 class notes 9.17

Class Notes

US History Bolos/Twadell


New Unit: Colonies


We will be studying Massachusetts & Virginia Bay Colony because they are the most influential & most representative to US History.


Compare/Contrast skills through primary source documents (unit goal)




We will discuss: tobacco, Indians, government, slaves

“Tobacco’s older than the gummint (government) itself.” Quote from a present day tobacco farmer.


Jamestown (1607): first English colony


English get off to a slow start

Colonial Essay Assignment

What were the important differences and similarities between the New England (MA, CT, RI) and Chesapeake (VA, MD) colonies? How did these two regions help shape American society today?

  1. motives,
  2. economic factors,
  3. social factors,
  4. political factors.

You must use at least FOUR documents (2 Virginia, 2 New England) to write your essay. QUOTE the documents where possible. Feel free to consult any source, including the blog notes, YOUR notes, the presentations and more.